Abraseed - Start-up.ma, Le guide des startups au Maroc
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Abramundi aims to invest €50 million in 100 innovative projects between now and 2027, to put technology and entrepreneurship at the service of high-performance, tolerant, equitable and responsible societies. Thanks to the Mosaic entrepreneurial charter, Abramundi will work to preserve the ecological and cultural balances that enable our peoples to coexist peacefully over the long term. Abramundi supports innovative entrepreneurs who believe in humanity, who respect the shared values of the Mosaic Law, and who act to build, invent and bring about a fairer world together.

Quel est l’organisme de Financement du Programme Abraseed ?

Abraseed-1 l start-up.ma


Abramundi aims to invest €50 million in 100 innovative projects between now and 2027, to put technology and entrepreneurship at the service of high-performance, tolerant, equitable and responsible societies.

Quelles startups peuvent bénéficier du financement du Abraseed ?

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